Microdermabrasion aftercare
Thank you for your visit with us, we hope you are satisfied with your treatment.
It’s important you follow the aftercare provided by your therapist to avoid adverse reactions after treatment. Some of these may seem harmless enough and you might think, does it really matter? Well, yes, it really does!
Adhere to the advice given
Reactions to the crystal used are so rare but what you do to your skin after treatment is super important. Avoid anti-ageing creams or anything with active ingredients. Use something simple and soothing such as the Skinbase homecare cream with SPF. Remember, during MD the outermost layer of skin is removed so your skin is more susceptible to the elements and you should avoid exposure to UV or any chemicals.
Use SPF 15+ (at least) throughout a course to protect skin and regularly apply moisturiser to replenish moisture.
If your skin does feel hot or dry and itchy – splash with cold water and apply a recommended moisturiser regularly.
The Aftercare
12 hours after: Avoid heavy makeup (you can use mineral makeup as it doesn’t block the skin)
For 24 hours: No swimming, facial waxing or fake tan application
Up to 48 Hours after: No sauna, sun beds or sun exposure. No botox, collagen injections or dermal fillers.
For 72 Hours: Do not use any anti-ageing creams, AHA’s, glycolics, retinol or exfoliating products.
At all times during a course, apply SPF 15 (at least) and avoid UV exposure. Regular moisturiser applications are vital to replenish the skin and prevent it becoming dry and peeling.
In short; avoid chemicals, heat treatments, UV exposure and apply your moisturiser regularly with an SPF of 15 or higher!